Miniature Diagonal Cutter Plier View larger
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Miniature Diagonal Cutter Plier


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Miniature Diagonal Cutter Plier

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112 Items

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The price includes the costs for collection, treatment and ellimination of WEEE

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  • Easy to carry.
  • Suitable for cutting wire, electronic foot trimming plastic products, cut a small metal wire and etc.
  • It is used to repair for the electronics industry, jewelry processing, model making and fishing.

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Este un produs de calitate.


Merita banii

Pret calitate ok.
Sa nu incercati sa depasiti grosimea firului specificat pe el(1mm), ca se deterioreaza foarte repede.
Eu folosesc sa le tai icioarele la rezistente condensatori dupa ce am lipit de placuta. E perfect. Am de 2zile. Am facut cateva placute. Pot sa zic ca am taiat 300de ori(matrice led 100led+placuta de control) si nu are urme de deteriorare

  • 10 out of 10 people found this review useful.

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Miniature Diagonal Cutter Plier

Miniature Diagonal Cutter Plier

Miniature Diagonal Cutter Plier

See description for more details about the product.

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