DC-DC Boost Module with USB Socket View larger

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DC-DC Boost Module with USB Socket


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DC-DC Boost mode with USB plug useful for 5 V power supply, using a lower voltage supply.

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Technical specifications

  • Input voltage: 0.9 V - 5 V
  • Output voltage: 5 V
  • Current: Depending on the input voltage, the output current can reach up to 800 mA - 1000 mA
  • Efficiency: maximum 94%
  • Dimensions: 25 mm x 18 mm

The DC-DC Boost is a low power and is useful for charging phones or other devices with less power. It can also be used to feed development boards or other circuits for your projects.

Being a switching power source, its efficiency is very good.

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Cu o sursa reglabila sau un acumulator de 2300mAh@3.7V poti scoate cu ea maximum 130mA@5V sau 500mA@4.6V. Cu cat va creste tensiunea de intrare pana la pragul de 5V, cu atat va fi permis si un curent de iesire mai mare, sau curentul debitat va fi invers proportional cu tensiunea la iesire. Aplicativitatea este destul de limitata.


buna pe testate

Am luat-o si eu si am bagat la test , curios dar ....ce zice Alin Miron nu coincide.
Am testat de la 4 acumulatori inseriati de 1,2v si 2300mA astfel
1. am alimentat o mini lampa usb cumparata tot de aici si afisaza consum de 0.05 A
2. am alimentat placa leduri si afisaza consum 1 A .......deci cred ca mai si conteaza amperajul de intrare.
Eu unu sunt multumit

  • 2 out of 2 people found this review useful.

Doua in paralel

Pt un curent mai mare, conecteaza 2 sau mai multe in paralel.


Destul de bun

Merge bine la tensiuni joase, testat la 1.5V dar curentul de intrare se limiteaza la circa 500-600mA pentru orice tensiune de alimentare.

  • 11 out of 11 people found this review useful.

pare ok pentru proiecte cu consum mic

alimentat cu 3.7 volti dintr-o sursa reglabila capabila de un curent maxim de 3.5A, nu reusesc sa scot mai mult de 500ma din aceasta jucarie. pentru test am folosit smartphone-ul care cere la incarcare cam 800ma

  • 10 out of 10 people found this review useful.

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DC-DC Boost Module with USB Socket

DC-DC Boost Module with USB Socket

DC-DC Boost mode with USB plug useful for 5 V power supply, using a lower voltage supply.

See description for more details about the product.

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