MP1584EN Mini DC-DC Step Down Module View larger

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MP1584EN Mini DC-DC Step Down Module


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This DC-DC step down module is based on MP1584EN chip, this is capable of driving a 3 A load and converts input voltage between 4.5 V to 28 V into smaller voltage between 0.8 V to 20 V.

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This DC-DC step down module is based on the MP1584EN chip, which is capable of driving a 3 A load and converts input voltages between 4.5 V to 28 V into a lower voltage between 0.8 V to 20 V. This is suitable for applications which need a highly efficient power converter.


  • Input Voltage: 4.5 V to 28 V
  • Output Voltage: 0.8 V to 20 V (adjustable)
  • Output Current: 3 A (max)
  • Efficiency: 96% (max)
  • Switching Frequency: 1.5 MHz (highest), typically 1 MHz
  • Output Ripple: < 30 mV
  • Operating Temperature: -45 oC to 85 oC
  • Size: 22 x 17 x 4 mm

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sursa dc-dc

Foarte bune dar reglajul e dificil in ceea ce priveste precizia.Aduceti va rog si modulele CA-01235 si CA-888! Sunt de mare ajutor pentru electronisti!Multumesc!

  • 3 out of 3 people found this review useful.

Sursa perfecta

Are memorie, deci indiferent daca fata de tensiunea de intrare aplicata initial se revine ulterior cu o alta tensiune diferita, tensiunea de iesire va fi EXACT, la virgula, cu valoarea setata anterior din semireglabil. Foarte buna sursa si stabila!

  • 13 out of 21 people found this review useful.


A testat cineva sursa in parametrii maximi? Ma intereseaza mai ales tensiunea minima de iesire dar si sarcina maxima suportata.

  • 2 out of 3 people found this review useful.

ce valoare are semireglabilul de pe placa?

@Nelu da dar ce te faci cu reglarea curentului?

  • 4 out of 7 people found this review useful.

sursa reglabila

se schimba semireglabilul cu un potentiometru de 200 k. si gata sursa reglabila .

  • 8 out of 10 people found this review useful.


se schimba semireglabilul cu un potentiometru de 200 k ,si gata o sursa reglabila si ieftina !

  • 9 out of 10 people found this review useful.

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MP1584EN Mini DC-DC Step Down Module

MP1584EN Mini DC-DC Step Down Module

This DC-DC step down module is based on MP1584EN chip, this is capable of driving a 3 A load and converts input voltage between 4.5 V to 28 V into smaller voltage between 0.8 V to 20 V.

See description for more details about the product.

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