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12 V 15 A (180 W) Switched Mode Power Supply


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This 12 V 15 A (180 W) Switched Mode Power Supply is commonly use for LED / CCTV.

See description for more details about the product.

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This switched mode power supply is widely used in electronic equipment in keeping voltage stability.

It is made of high quality metal material, durable, and very reliable which ensures that it will give you a good performance.

This switching power supply is can be installed easily and very easy to be turned on and off.

This 12 V 15 A (180 W) switched mode power supply is commonly use for LED / CCTV.


  • Voltage: 110 V to 220 V
  • Overvoltage Protection: 115% to 135% output voltage
  • Dimension: 200 x 98 x 42 mm
  • Impact of Current: Cold star current
  • DC Voltage Range: 10% (rated output voltage)
  • Overload Protection: Automatic Recovery
  • Output Power: 180 W
  • Output: 12 V 15 A

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O recomand cu placere.
Am incercat-o la maxim cu 3 becuri auto de 12v/60w adica 3x5Amperi si dupa 30 minute nu e nici macar calduta.
Tensiunea nu scade deloc la consum maxim.
Impreuna cu voltmetru de panou de aici si un potentiometru de 1k in locul semireglabilului existent e o sursa de laborator adevarata.
Tensiunea reglata este intre 10,5V SI 14,5V.

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12 V 15 A (180 W) Switched Mode Power Supply

12 V 15 A (180 W) Switched Mode Power Supply

This 12 V 15 A (180 W) Switched Mode Power Supply is commonly use for LED / CCTV.

See description for more details about the product.

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