6V Battery Case With On/Off Switch Mărește
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Carcasa pentru 2 X CR2032 cu Cablu si Buton


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  1. Product Name: 6V Battery Case With On/Off Switch
  2. Type: Wire Lead Type
  3. Fit Battery Model: CR2032
  4. Available Battery Quantity: 2
  5. Material: Plastic, Metal
  6. Outside Diameter: 32.5mm

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This adorable little coin cell battery holder is great for small, portable, or wearable projects. It holds two 20mm coin cell batteries in series to generate 6V nominal. 20mm coin cells are popular as they are used in keychain lights and remotes, so they are easy to get and fairly low-cost. They tend to have about 220mAh capacity.

The housing is made of plastic and easily screws counter-clockwise to open and close. Comes with an on-off switch and 12″ long plain wires on the end, for easy attachment or soldering to whatever circuitry you wish to power.


  • Type: Wire Lead Type
  • Fit Battery Model: CR2032
  • Available Battery Quantity: 2
  • Material: Plastic, Metal
  • Outside Diameter (OD) mm: 32.5mm
  • Inner Diameter (ID) (mm): 19mm
  • Cable Length (cm): 30
  • Color: Black

Package includes:

1 x Black 2 X CR2032 Button Battery Case with Wire and Toggle Switch

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Carcasa pentru 2 X CR2032 cu Cablu si Buton

Carcasa pentru 2 X CR2032 cu Cablu si Buton

  1. Product Name: 6V Battery Case With On/Off Switch
  2. Type: Wire Lead Type
  3. Fit Battery Model: CR2032
  4. Available Battery Quantity: 2
  5. Material: Plastic, Metal
  6. Outside Diameter: 32.5mm

See description for more details about the product.

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