Reduceri! Sub-Micro Motor Pololu Planetary cu Reductor și Cutie de Viteză (6D x 19L mm, 136:1) Mărește

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Sub-Micro Motor Pololu Planetary cu Reductor (6D x 19L mm, 136:1)


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This small DC cylinder engine features a 136: 1 plastic gearbox  . It has a diameter of only 6mm and weighs a little over one gram (1.3g), making it an ideal actuator for robots or other very small mechanisms.

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$15.60 cu toate taxele incluse


Description and specifications:

This assembly consists of a coreless motor mounted on a reducer with a small clip. The wheels are made of LCP (Liquid Crystal Polymers) and the shaft is compatible with 14mm wheels.

  • Dimensions:  6D × 19L mm ;
  • Weight: 1.3g;
  • Shaft diameter 2mm - Type D;
  • Reduction ratio: 136: 1 ;
  • Blank speed: 500rpm;
  • Current consumption: 45mA; 
  • Locking current: 400mA;
  • Locked couple: 0.6kg * cm.

The above values ​​are measured for 6V.

The optimal power supply voltage is between 3V and 6V, the motor running at lower values ​​(starts the rotation at 0.2-0.3V) and at higher values ​​but  affects the lifetime significantly. The performance is proportional to the supply voltage (about 3V gives about half the speed of the naked speed, the torque and the current in the lock).

Caution:  Locking or using an instantaneous torque of more than 25% of the nominal value affects the life of the engine.

In the Downloads section below, the chart and 3D model are available.


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Sub-Micro Motor Pololu Planetary cu Reductor (6D x 19L mm, 136:1)

Sub-Micro Motor Pololu Planetary cu Reductor (6D x 19L mm, 136:1)

This small DC cylinder engine features a 136: 1 plastic gearbox  . It has a diameter of only 6mm and weighs a little over one gram (1.3g), making it an ideal actuator for robots or other very small mechanisms.


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