2.4" LCD Shield for Arduino with Extra Connector View larger

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2.4" LCD Shield for Arduino with Extra Connector


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This shield with graphic LCD 2.4" touchscreen is perfect for your projects.

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This 2.4" LCD shield has a resolution of 320x240 pixels. To use it, all you have to do is plug it over the Arduino board. Shield contains a resistive touchscreen type. It contains a slot for SD cards that can load images in .bmp format to display them on display.


  • 320 x 240 resolution
  • Based on SPFD5408 controller (compatible with ILI9341)
  • 8-bit digital interface control + 4 lines
  • LDO voltage regulator 3.3 V Integrated
  • Compatible with 5 V microcontrollers and 3.3 V
  • 18-bit color (up to 262,000 colors supported)
  • SD card slot
  • 4-wire resistive touchscreen

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Grade, da am si eu un display ca acesta pe un proiect comandat tot de aici, deci are si slotul de card SD, il poti folosi si ca rama foto, si ca osciloscop, la un moment dat am facut si niste "rezistoare variabile si butoane" tactile fara a utiliza multi pini de la arduino :)

  • 8 out of 9 people found this review useful.


Este cumva modelul cu sdcard reader pe verso ? Multumesc

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2.4" LCD Shield for Arduino with Extra Connector

2.4" LCD Shield for Arduino with Extra Connector

This shield with graphic LCD 2.4" touchscreen is perfect for your projects.

See description for more details about the product.

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