Proto Shield for Arduino Mega 2560 View larger

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Proto Shield for Arduino Mega 2560


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This is a Proto Shield for Arduino Mega 2560 with White Mini Breadboard. This allows you to conveniently build circuit prototypes either by using the solderless breadboard or by soldering components on the prototyping board.

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This is a proto shield for Arduino Mega 2560 with White Mini Breadboard. This allows you to conveniently build circuit prototypes either by using the solderless breadboard or by soldering components on the prototyping board. With this, you can turn your Arduino projects build from breadboard to proper circuit


  • Dimension: 10.4 cm x 5.7 cm x 2.0 cm

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Este perfect pentru Arduino Mega.

Pinii se potrivesc la fix în Arduino Mega, inclusiv conectorul cu 40 găuri pe care l-am adăugat (pentru că lipsește). E ușor de înfipt în placa Arduino, dar e mai greu de scos din cauza celor 50 de pini.
Am pus pe placă 2 x ULN2003, un PIC12F510 + cuarț, vreo 6 conectoare, un stabilizator de 5V + condensatoare, 2 tranzistoare și mai e loc.


F. bun

Este facuta destul de bine si are o metalizare a gaurilor foarte robusta. Cositorul adera foarte rapid din cauza stanarii metalizate.

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Proto Shield for Arduino Mega 2560

Proto Shield for Arduino Mega 2560

This is a Proto Shield for Arduino Mega 2560 with White Mini Breadboard. This allows you to conveniently build circuit prototypes either by using the solderless breadboard or by soldering components on the prototyping board.

See description for more details about the product.

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