AC 220V PIR Detector Infrared Motion Sensor Switch With Adjustable Light Sensitivity and Time Delay Mărește

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Senzor de Miscare PIR AC 220 V cu Intarziere si Sensibilitate la Lumina Reglabila


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  1. Type: PIR Switch
  2. Working Voltage/Frequency: AC110-240V, 50/60Hz
  3. Sensing Distance: 4-6m
  4. Fitting Diameter: 40 mm
  5. Angle Coverage: 110 degrees

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This is a PIR detection-based Infrared Motion Sensor this switch can detect the human body’s infrared, and use it to control the load. The PIR has adjustable time delay according to actual needs.


  1. Adjust the light to soft and stable, with no flickering.
  2. You can conveniently let the light auto on/off. The switch can detect the human body’s infrared, and use infrared to control the load.
  3. Users according to actual needs, the human body sensors installed in the appropriate environment.
  4. Applications: energy-saving lamps, LED lamps, fluorescent lamps, and other kinds of loads.
  5. Easy to install and simple to use.


  • Type : PIR Switch
  • Color : White
  • Working Voltage : AC110-240V
  • Working Frequency : 50/60Hz
  • Output Power : ≥40W
  • Photosensing Setting : ≤2Lux, ≤25Lux, 2000Lux
  • Sensing Distance : 4-6m
  • Angle Coverage : 110 degrees
  • Standby Power Consumption : <0.1W
  • Fitting Diameter (mm) :40
  • Length (mm) : 45
  • Width (mm) : 40
  • Height (mm) : 25
  • Weight (gm) : 50

Package Includes:

  • 1 x 40mm LED PIR Detector Infrared Motion Sensor Switch

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Senzor de Miscare PIR AC 220 V cu Intarziere si Sensibilitate la Lumina Reglabila

Senzor de Miscare PIR AC 220 V cu Intarziere si Sensibilitate la Lumina Reglabila

  1. Type: PIR Switch
  2. Working Voltage/Frequency: AC110-240V, 50/60Hz
  3. Sensing Distance: 4-6m
  4. Fitting Diameter: 40 mm
  5. Angle Coverage: 110 degrees

See description for more details about the product.

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