Modul cu senzor ON-OFF 36W 3A  distanță scurtă Mărește

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Modul cu senzor ON-OFF 36W 3A distanță scurtă


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  1. Operating voltage: 12vDC
  2. Output Voltage: 12V
  3. Output type: Double output
  4. Detection range: Adjustable 10-80mm
  5. Max Power Load: 36W

See description for more details about the product.

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36W 3A Short Distance IR Obstacle Sensor Sweep Hand Sensor

This is IR sensor-based switching module that functions ON and OFF by sweeping palm over it from 10 to 80mm distance.

This IR sensor can be used in a variety of applications in household appliances as well as automotive industrial applications. The sensitivity of the product can be customized, can penetrate plastic, acrylic, glass, ceramic, and another non-metallic medium, stable performance!

Specifications and Features

  1. Operating voltage: 12vDC
  2. Output Voltage: 12V
  3. Output type: Double output
  4. Detection range: adjustable 10-80mm
  5. Max Power Load: 36W
  6. Delayed off time: none
  7. Field of application: DC, constant pressure
  8. Load current: 3A optional
  9. Standby current: 10mA

Package Includes

1 x 36W 3A Short Distance IR Hand Sweep ON-OFF Sensor Module

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Modul cu senzor ON-OFF 36W 3A  distanță scurtă

Modul cu senzor ON-OFF 36W 3A distanță scurtă

  1. Operating voltage: 12vDC
  2. Output Voltage: 12V
  3. Output type: Double output
  4. Detection range: Adjustable 10-80mm
  5. Max Power Load: 36W

See description for more details about the product.

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