APDS-9960 RGB Gesture Sensor View larger

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APDS-9960 RGB Gesture Sensor


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This RGB and Gesture Sensor, a small breakout board with a built-in APDS-9960 sensor that offers ambient light and color measuring, proximity detection, and touchless gesture sensing. With this RGB and Gesture Sensor you will be able to control a computer, microcontroller, robot, and more with a simple swipe of your hand!

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1. This is a RGB and Gesture Sensor, a small breakout board with a built-in APDS-9960 sensor that offers ambient light and color measuring, proximity detection, and touchless gesture sensing.

2. With this RGB and Gesture Sensor you will be able to control a computer, microcontroller, robot, and more with a simple swipe of your hand!

3. This is, in fact, the same sensor that the Samsung Galaxy S5 uses and is probably one of the best gesture sensors on the market for the price.

4. The APDS-9960 is a serious little piece of hardware with built-in UV and IR blocking filters, four separate diodes sensitive to different directions, and an I2C compatible interface.

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APDS-9960 RGB Gesture Sensor

APDS-9960 RGB Gesture Sensor

This RGB and Gesture Sensor, a small breakout board with a built-in APDS-9960 sensor that offers ambient light and color measuring, proximity detection, and touchless gesture sensing. With this RGB and Gesture Sensor you will be able to control a computer, microcontroller, robot, and more with a simple swipe of your hand!

See description for more details about the product.

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