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Raspberry Pi Zero W


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Raspberry Pi Zero W - one of the most powerful low cost mini computers. It is very useful both for low level hardware applications and for very complex algorithms processed by the 1 GHz CPU. 


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Technical Specifications

  • CPU SoC BCM2835
  • Operating frequency: 1 GHz
  • RAM Memory: 512MB
  • WiFi 2.4GHz 802.11 b/g/n connectivity
  • Bluetooth 4.1 + HS Low Energy (BLE) connectivity
  • WiFi/Bluetooth Chip: BCM43143
  • Video output on miniHDMI connector
  • micro-B USB connector for power supply
  • micro-B USB connector for data communication
  • CSI connector for camera (adapter needed for R Pi Camera)
  • 40 pins GPIO pinout (pinheader NOT included)
  • Compatible with HAT/pHAT extensions
  • Dimensions: 65 x 30 x 5 mm

One of the most powerful mini computers at a very low price?

Yes, the answer is Raspberry Pi Zero W. What is that special? Pi Zero W represents one of the smallest computers, based on BCM2835 CPU that works at a frequency of 1 GHz and has a RAM memory of 512MB. This dev board can run some Linux distribution and can process very complex algorithms, but it is also very close to low level hardware.

Raspberry Pi Zero W does not seem to need more for its performance, only some accesories. Why? Because we have a poweful CPU, a big RAM memory, WiFi and Bluetooth connectivity useful in IoT domain, HDMI connectivity, CSI camera connector, microUSB data connector and don't forget about the well known 40 pins GPIO pinout.

The best Linux distro for this dev board is Raspian, especially optimized for this mini computer. You can find more informations here.

Even if this mini computer is so powerful, it needs some help from some accesories:

  • USB - OTG cable - used for Mouse/Keyboard and external memory;

  • HDMI to miniHDMI cable - used for connecting R Pi to a TV or display;

  • HDMI to miniHDMI adapter - used for connecting a standard HDMI cable;

  • SD card with NOOBS - the offical SD card from element14 with the OS image pre-installed;

  • Power adapter - you need a good power supply for high performance;

All this is not enough?

Then we need to talk a bit about the official Raspberry Pi Zero/W Case. As we already know, this case keeps the well known low dimensions and it has also nice shapes and colors. Also, don't forget that Raspberry has included three lids: standard, GPIO lid and camera lid.

Don't delay, buy today.

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Daca nu stiati va puteti loga prin USB cu SSH, fara wifi sau ethernet (altfel e putin dificil de setat fara monitor/tastatura)

  • 3 out of 3 people found this review useful.


Este foarte bun

  • 1 out of 2 people found this review useful.


e ok pentru unele aplicatii!!!
CPU este monocore 32biti ARM v6!!!!
mai greu daca ai nevoie de mongodb de ex... 2GB limita baza de date...
dar in rest e ok...

  • 3 out of 5 people found this review useful.

Un microcomputer extrem de util

Am doua pi zero, unul fara wifi, la care am legat o placa de 10mbps prin gpio iar din el a rezultat un receiver ads-b care merge perfect si unul cu wifi pe care l-am introdus in carcasa corpului de iluminat de la baie, impreuna cu o placa de relee am transformat corpul de iluminat intr-unul smart(homebridge pentru control din iOS, hue api pentru integrare cu intrerupatorul smart, toate celalate lumini din casa sunt philips hue dar ei nu produc si tuburi led). Probabil mai urmeaza unul pe post de media center, am vazut ca duce kodi decent.

  • 6 out of 6 people found this review useful.

Jucarie faina

O placuta interesanta, jucarie pentru copii mari ! Merita experimentat.

  • 4 out of 5 people found this review useful.

Compact, mic si are si Wifi + BLE integrat

Intr-adevar este foarte folositor vorbind de unele proiecte IOT sau roboti

  • 1 out of 2 people found this review useful.

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Raspberry Pi Zero W

Raspberry Pi Zero W

Raspberry Pi Zero W - one of the most powerful low cost mini computers. It is very useful both for low level hardware applications and for very complex algorithms processed by the 1 GHz CPU. 


See description for more details about the product.

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