Sale! 214x214 mm PCB Hot Bed View larger

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214x214 mm PCB Hot Bed


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214x214 mm PCB Hot Bed

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Technical specifications

  • Supply voltage: 12V, 24V
  • Required current: 9.8A, 5A
  • FR4 PCB with a thickness of 1.6mm
  • Double layer PCB, 35 μm copper layer
  • Dimensions: 214 x 214mm

The PCB heating pad is specially designed for the Reprap 3D printer. Its operation is very simple, based on the Joule effect. The current passes through a very long Cu path, resulting in dissipated heat.

The product is recommended for the Reprap printer because it provides much better protection against accidental hardening of the plastic.

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Raport calitate/pret bun

Pentru o clona chinezeasca se comporta destul de bine.
Grosimea stratului de cupru este surprinzator de constanta.
Distributia termica pe suprafata placii este destul de buna , cu o diferenta de 3-5 grade intre centru si margini, conform masuratorilor ajutorul unei camere termice.

Recomand folosirea unei placi de aluminiu de 200x200mm cu o grosime de 2-3mm ca suprafata de printare pentru aceasta platforma. Placa de aluminiu faciliteaza distributia termica, ducand la o temperatura mai omogena intre centru si margini, in acelasi timp oferind un echilibru termic bun, ducand la un control mai precis a temperaturii. De asemenea placa de aluminiu faciliteaza autonivelarea patului bazata pe senzori inductivi.

Recomand si instalarea unui radiator si ventilator pentru racirea MOSFET-ului care controleaza patul.

Acest review este bazat pe experienta avuta de mine cu placa achizitionata de pe acest site. Sper ca experienta voastra sa fie comparabila

  • 17 out of 17 people found this review useful.

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214x214 mm PCB Hot Bed

214x214 mm PCB Hot Bed

214x214 mm PCB Hot Bed

See description for more details about the product.

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