WS2812 8x8 RGB LED Matrix View larger

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WS2812 8x8 RGB LED Matrix


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This array has 64 RGB LEDs. You can get exciting light effects and revel in to get large, complex displays.

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Description and Specifications

Each pixel of this array is individually addressable. Complex light effects can be obtained and only one pin from the microcontroller is needed to control this module. Each LED can be set to 24-bit color.

Connecting is easy. Connect the VDC pin to 5V, the mass, and the DIN pin to the microcontroller. If you are using NeoPixel Binoculars below, use digital # 6 pin.

Current consumption is approx. 60mA / LED and maximum 3.5A / array. Typically, the consumption for a matrix is ​​1-2A.

You can join multiple matrices for advanced projects, connect the DOUT output of the first matrix to the input, DIN of the second one. If you use, for example, Arduino UNO, RAM limitation occurs in about 4 arrays. Also, pay attention to total current consumption when using multiple arrays.

There is a single data line with a timing protocol and requires a real-time microcontroller ( AVR, Arduino, PIC, mbed, etc. ). You can not use Linux-based microcomputers or interpreters ( netduino or Basic Stamp ). The minimum processor frequency is 8MHz.

  • Dimensions: 71.17mm / 2.8 "x 71.17mm / 2.8" x 3.28mm / 0.12 ";
  • Weight: 24.21g.

At this address you can find the Arduino library, a tutorial and many other resources.

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WS2812 8x8 RGB LED Matrix

WS2812 8x8 RGB LED Matrix

This array has 64 RGB LEDs. You can get exciting light effects and revel in to get large, complex displays.

See description for more details about the product.

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