LCD 2004 with Yellow - Green Backlight View larger

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LCD 2004 with Yellow - Green Backlight


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This LCD 2004 with yellow - green back light can display 20 characters on 4 lines. This is compatible with the KS0066 controller or equivalent.

See description for more details about the product.

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This LCD 2004 with yellow - green backlight can display 20 characters on 4 lines. It is ideal for electronic projects that need larger space to display information.

It can easily be used in low light conditions because it has light and LCD backlight. This LCD 2004 is compatible with the KS0066 controller  or equivalent.


  • Voltage: 5 V
  • Current: 2 mA
  • Blacklight Supply Voltage: 4.2 V
  • Blacklight Current: 250 mA
  • Dimensions: 98.0 mm × 60.0 mm x 14.0 mm 


  • Pine 1: ss
  • Pine 2: VDD
  • Pine 3: Vo-LCD contrast (between VSS and VDD V)
  • Pine 4: RS
  • Pine 5: R/W
  • Pine 6: E-enable
  • Pine 7-14: DB0-DB7
  • Pin 15: V + blacklight
  • Pin 16: V - blacklight

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Este compatibil cu adaptorul I2C

Da, este compatibil cu acel adaptor I2C, acel adaptor merge si pentru LCD-uri 2004, nu doar pentru 1602

  • 9 out of 9 people found this review useful.

Compatibilitate cu adaptor I2C

Buna ziua, functioneaza cu adaptorul ?

  • 2 out of 2 people found this review useful.

testat si merge bine

Lcd-ul merge cu libraria standard si se comporta foarte bine. Nu consuma prea mult.

  • 1 out of 1 people found this review useful.

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LCD 2004 with Yellow - Green Backlight

LCD 2004 with Yellow - Green Backlight

This LCD 2004 with yellow - green back light can display 20 characters on 4 lines. This is compatible with the KS0066 controller or equivalent.

See description for more details about the product.

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