3.5'' LCD Module with Touchscreen with ILI9486 and XPT2046 Controller (320x480 px) View larger

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3.5'' LCD Module with Touchscreen with ILI9486 and XPT2046 Controller (320x480 px)


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3.5'' LCD Module with Touchscreen with ILI9486 and XPT2046 Controller (320x480 px)

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3.5'' LCD Module with Touchscreen with ILI9486 and XPT2046 Controller (320x480 px)

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Setari LCD

Se conecteaza pinii LCD-ului dupa schema gasita aici: https://forum.arduino.cc/index.php?topic=427462.0
Iar libraria se foloseste aceasta : UTFT.zip care gasiti aici :http://www.rinkydinkelectronics.com/library.php?id=51
functioneaza fara probleme. Pentru Touch se poate cauta in Arduino Library Manager XPT2046 si se instaleaza. Funcioneaza fara probleme.

  • 4 out of 7 people found this review useful.


mam incercat modulul direct alimentat la 5v, se incalzeste umpic placa.
display-ul comunica pe interfata pararela, spi-ul fiind pentru touch.
se poate conecta pe arduino mega doar daca se refac conexiunile.
ca si soft am folosit HX8357D pentru lcd si XPT2046 pentru touch.
am conectat pinii lcd-ului unu la unu cu cei ai arduino mega.

  • 2 out of 7 people found this review useful.

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3.5'' LCD Module with Touchscreen with ILI9486 and XPT2046 Controller (320x480 px)

3.5'' LCD Module with Touchscreen with ILI9486 and XPT2046 Controller (320x480 px)

3.5'' LCD Module with Touchscreen with ILI9486 and XPT2046 Controller (320x480 px)

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