Display LCD TFT 320x240 de 2.2'' cu Slot MicroSD Mărește

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Display LCD TFT 320x240 de 2.2'' cu Slot MicroSD


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Display for any kind of microcontroller, uses only 4 SPI for communication with its own buffer for addressing pixels.

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Description and specifications:

It has a resolution of 320x240 pixels and what makes it different from other lowcost displays is the increased refresh rate, the ability to play 18-bit colors and the fact that it is true-TFT.

The module has a 3.3V regulator, so it can be used in both 3.3V and 5V logic and a microSD slot for FAT16 / FAT32 formatted cards  .

  • 2.2 " diagonal  - LCD TFT;
  • Resolution 320x240, up to 18-bit (262,144) color;
  • 4 wire SPI interface (uses '8-bit' SPI, check the documentation);
  • Slor microSD;
  • Compatible logic 5V;
  • Regulator  3.3V @ 150mA LDO;
  • Backlight: 4 LEDs, brightness PWN adjustment;
  • Total dimensions: 40.63mm / 1.59 "x 66.35mm / 2.61" x 6.05mm / 0.23 ";
  • LCD Size:  55.23mm / 2.17 "x 40mm / 1.57" x 2.46mm / 0.09 ";
  • Weight: 18.43g;
  • Current consumption max. 100mA with maximum brightness.

Useful Links:

The documentation is available in the Downloads section below.


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Display LCD TFT 320x240 de 2.2'' cu Slot MicroSD

Display LCD TFT 320x240 de 2.2'' cu Slot MicroSD

Display for any kind of microcontroller, uses only 4 SPI for communication with its own buffer for addressing pixels.

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