1.8" SPI LCD Module (128 x 160) View larger

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1.8" SPI LCD Module (128 x 160)


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This 1.8" SPI LCD Module uses 4-pin SPI communication and has 128 x 160 pixel resolution and has its own buffer for pixel addresses. Its screen can display 18-bit of colors. Easy to use with any microprocessor, even small ones with less memory but with few pins available.

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This 1.8" SPI LCD Module uses 4-pin SPI communication and has 128 x 160 pixel resolution and has its own buffer for pixel addresses. Its screen can display 18-bit of colors. Easy to use with any microprocessor, even small ones with less memory but with few pins available.


  • Size 1.8 "TFT LCD
  • Resolution of 128 x 160, 18-bit color (262,144)
  •  Driver Controller: ST7735R
  • 4-wire SPI interface
  • Compatible with 3.3 V or 5 V systems
  • 3.3 V @ 150 mA regulator
  • Drillings: 4 x 2 mm
  • Dimensions: 34 x 56 x 6.5 mm
  • Current: 50 mA

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am comandat unul din china si nu afiseaza nimic desi am reglat luminozitatea corect

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Foarte elegant. L-am pus in functuine pe un Mega 2560 dupa schema si libraria de aici doar ca am folosit 52/51 pt SCK/SDA. Display-ul TFT trebuie sa fie negru cu ledul aprins, daca este "albicios" ledul este supravoltat, asa ca trebuie pus cu un rezistor de 220ohmi la 3v3si se vede excelent. Alimentarea trebuie la 5v ca sa activeze level-shifter(1logic de 3v3 e corect pt Mpu de 5v, invers nu, altfel scurtati drastic viata lcd-ului si incarcati cu cativa mA inutil fiecare port de pe Mpu. Deci schema e corecta doar ca pt viata lunga 5v alim(level shifter) si led cu rezistenta sa ii limiteze curentul sub 20mA. Nu stiu cate leduri sunt pentru iluminare dar la 3v3 am masurat 62mA fara rezistor si e ste ff mult...chair daca rezista isi reduce in timp drastic luminozitatea.

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VCC = 5v nu 3.3v
In schimb LED merge pana la 5v dar sunt convins ca se arde daca ramane mult asa.LED e facut pentru 3.3v sau PWM cu rezistor.
De lateral se vede albicios ecranul daca LED e la 3v3. Daca LED e la 5v e si mai rau.
Nu alimentati VCC la 3v

  • 3 out of 3 people found this review useful.


Foarte bun pentru pretul sau.Ecranul are interfata SPI dar cu notatii vechi:
VCC = 3.3 V
Reset=Reset (ex. pin0)
LED=3.3 - 5 V (sau PWM)
Se poate testa cu graphictest.ino pentru Adafruit Feather 32u4 sau pololu a-star (se include si biblioteca wire.h)

  • 6 out of 8 people found this review useful.

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1.8" SPI LCD Module (128 x 160)

1.8" SPI LCD Module (128 x 160)

This 1.8" SPI LCD Module uses 4-pin SPI communication and has 128 x 160 pixel resolution and has its own buffer for pixel addresses. Its screen can display 18-bit of colors. Easy to use with any microprocessor, even small ones with less memory but with few pins available.

See description for more details about the product.

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