ULN2003 Stepper Driver + 5V Stepper Motor View larger

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ULN2003 Stepper Driver + 5V Stepper Motor


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This product contains a 5 V stepper motor and a stepper motor driver module based on the ULN2003A Darlington transistor array.

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This product contains a 5 V stepper motor and a stepper motor driver module based on the ULN2003A Darlington transistor array.

The driver is based on a ULN2003 integrated circuit that contains several Darlington configurations. It works at very good parameters along with the stepper motor in the kit.

Step-by-step motors are often used in applications requiring precise motion control. You can meet them in 3D printers or normal printers, CNCs or robotic arms. In order to choose the right stepper for your application, see the data sheet to see the power consumption, engine speed and accuracy, torque and how to control it.


  • Recommended power voltage: 5V
  • Number of phases: 4
  • Approximate reduction: 1:64
  • 64 steps / resolution
  • Resistance / phase: 50 ohms
  • Minimum torque: 34.3 mN * m
  • Degree of insulation: A

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Se poate folosi la 220

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mic si puternic

destul de fortos, o sa mai iau inca unul la fel si o sa le modific din unipolar in bipolar (e un castig de aproximativ 500g/cm, de la 350g/cm la 800g/cm). poate ajuta pe cineva ceva info despre versiunile de motorase https://grahamwideman.wikispaces.com/Motors-+28BYJ-48+Stepper+motor+notes

  • 19 out of 19 people found this review useful.

Ar fi super sa aduceti motoare 28BYJ-48

Asemenea motoare am testat pe un solar-tracker si pot fi extrem de lente si de precise.

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ULN2003 Stepper Driver + 5V Stepper Motor

ULN2003 Stepper Driver + 5V Stepper Motor

This product contains a 5 V stepper motor and a stepper motor driver module based on the ULN2003A Darlington transistor array.

See description for more details about the product.

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