KP08 Bearing ID 8 View larger

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KP08 Bearing ID 8


New product

Name: Vertical bearing housing
Material: Zinc alloy

See description for more details about the product.

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Bearing Unit No. Shaft Dia Dimensions (mm) Bolt Used
(mm) H L J A2 N H1 H2 B S C1 Zs
KP08 8 16 55 42 12 4.5 5 30 12 3 5 30 M5
KP000 10 18 67 53 16 7 6 35 14 4 5.56 33 M6
KP001 12 19 71 56 16 7 6 38 14.5 4 5 33 M6
KP002 15 22 80 63 16 7 7 43 16.5 4.5 4 34 M6
KP003 17 24 85 67 18 7 7 47 17.5 5 5.5 38 M6
KP004 20 28 100 80 20 10 9 55 21 6 7 46 M8
KP005 25 32 112 90 20 10 10 62 22.5 6 6 47 M8
KP006 30 36 132 106 26 13 11 70 24.5 6.5 6 50 M10
KP007 35 42 150 118 33 13 14 76 33 8 8 55 M12

Bearing No Housing No Unit No Stainless Steel Cover No. Weight (kg)
Open (Closed) Open Closed Normal with Cover
K08 P08 P08C (E) 08CP8 08CPE 48 55
K000 P000 P000C (E) 000CP10 000CPE 70 78
K001 P001 P001C (E) 001CP12 001CPE 80 89
K002 P002 P002C (E) 002CP15 002CPE 120 130
K003 P003 P003C (E) 003CP17 003CPE 140 154
K004 P04-5 P004C (E) 04-5CP20 04-5CPE 210 230
K005 P05-6 P005C (E) 05-6CP25 05-6CPE 270 291
K006 P06-7 P006C (E) 06-7CP30 06-7CPE 410 436
K007 P07-8 P007C (E) 07-8CP35 07-8CPE 550 585


Bearing Unit No Shaft Dia Dimensions (mm) Bolt Used
(mm) H J A1 A2 A N L A0 B S C1 Zs
KFL08 8 48 36 4 4 8.5 5 27 12 11 3 4 12 M5
KFL000 10 60 45 5.5 5.5 11.5 7 36 15.5 14 4 6 22 M6
KFL001 12 63 48 5.5 5.5 11.5 7 38 16 14.5 4 6.5 22 M6
KFL002 15 67 53 6.5 6.5 13 7 42 18.5 16.5 4.5 5 24 M6
KFL003 17 71 56 7 7 14 7 46 19.5 17.5 5 6 26 M6
KFL004 20 90 71 8 8 16 10 55 23 21 6 7.5 31 M8
KFL005 25 95 75 8 8 16 10 60 24.5 22.5 6 7 32 M8
KFL006 30 112 85 9 9 18 13 70 27 24.5 6.5 6.5 34 M10
KFL007 35 122 96 11 11 21 14 80 33 30 8 8 38 M12

Bearing No Housing No Unit No Stainless Steel Cover No. Weight (kg)
Open (Closed) Open Closed Normal with Cover
K08 FL08 KFL08C (E) 08CP8 08CPE 32 36
K000 FL000 KFL000C (E) 000CP10 000CPE 50 55
K001 FL001 KFL001C (E) 001CP12 001CPE 70 74
K002 FL002 KFL002C (E) 002CP15 002CPE 90 95
K003 FL003 KFL003C (E) 003CP17 003CPE 115 121
K004 FL04-5 KFL004C (E) 04-5CP20 04-5CPE 190 200
K005 FL05-6 KFL005C (E) 05-6CP25 05-6CPE 220 234
K006 FL06-7 KFL006C (E) 06-7CP30 06-7CPE 340 356
K007 FL07-8 KFL007C (E) 07-8CP35 07-8CPE 450 480

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KP08 Bearing ID 8

KP08 Bearing ID 8

Name: Vertical bearing housing
Material: Zinc alloy

See description for more details about the product.

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