GT2-6mm Belt Width 16 Teeth 4mm Bore Timing Pulley Mărește

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Roata Scripete din Aluminiu cu Diametru Intern de 4 mm, 16 Dinti pentru Curea GT2-6mm


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  1. Outer Diameter: 13mm
  2. Inner Diameter: 4mm
  3. High-Quality Aluminium
  4. Excellently Machined
  5. Durable and practical
  6. Minimizes the chance of the belt slipping

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This is GT2-6mm Belt Width 16 Teeth 4mm Bore Timing Pulley with 16 Teeth, 4mm bore diameter. Aluminum 16T GT2 timing pulley has a high-quality shiny surface appearance and robust construction, longer working life. The rounded teeth of this tooth and belt are engaged together longer providing a smoother transition between teeth, good performance for 3D printers. Applications include a 3D printer, CNC and other robotics with timing belt pulley, GT2 timing belt pulley system especially suited for linear movement and positioning, and it’s good for GT2 6mm Width Belt.


  1. High-Quality Aluminium
  2. Excellently Machined
  3. Durable and practical
  4. Minimizes the chance of the belt slipping
  5. Easy to use.


  • Material : Aluminum
  • Bore Diameter (B)(mm) : 4
  • Outer Diameter (OD)(mm) : 13
  • Compatible With : M3x3
  • No. of teeth : 16 (Approx.)
  • Length (mm) : 14 (Approx.)
  • Weight (gm) : 5 (Approx.)

Package Includes:

  • 1 x GT2-6mm Belt Width 16 Teeth 4mm Bore Timing Pulley
  • 2 x (M3x3)Grub screws(fitted inside pulley) -2pcs.

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Roata Scripete din Aluminiu cu Diametru Intern de 4 mm, 16 Dinti pentru Curea GT2-6mm

Roata Scripete din Aluminiu cu Diametru Intern de 4 mm, 16 Dinti pentru Curea GT2-6mm

  1. Outer Diameter: 13mm
  2. Inner Diameter: 4mm
  3. High-Quality Aluminium
  4. Excellently Machined
  5. Durable and practical
  6. Minimizes the chance of the belt slipping

See description for more details about the product.

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