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LCD Hat 1602 for Raspberry Pi that includes a 2-line and 16-column alphanumeric display, an RGB LED and a keyboard.
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Raspberry Pi Hat LCD Plate includes a 16-line and 2-column alphanumeric LCD display, an RGB LED, contrast-trimmer trimmer and keyboard.
This board has an I2C interface, based on the integrated MCP3017 circuit board, an I / O expansion chip that allows control of the 2-pin LCD from Raspberry Pi.
We recommend using the Raspibian operating system for this LCD.
First we update packages:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
Install git:
sudo apt-get install git-core
Download Wiring Pi:
git clone git://git.drogon.net/wiringPi
We compile Pi Wiring:
cd wiringPi
We enable the I2C interface from the advanced options menu of raspi-config:
sudo raspi-config
Now the board must be reset to start with I2C enabled. After restart I2C load the I2C driver and scan the I2C bus:
sudo modprobe i2c-dev
sudo i2cdetect -y -a 1
Now a device identified on I2C at 0x20 has to appear.
To test the LCD, write the following code in the lcd1602.c file:
#include <stdio.h> #include <wiringPi.h> #include <mcp23017.h> #include <lcd.h> int main () { int display, i, count; wiringPiSetup (); mcp23017Setup (100, 0x20); printf ("Raspberry Pi - MCP23017 Test"); for (i = 0; i <16; i ++) pinMode (100 + i, output); digitalWrite (114.0); display = lcdInit (2,16,4,115,113,112,111,110,109,0,0,0,0); lcdHome (display); lcdClear (display); lcdPosition (display, 0.0); lcdPuts (display, "Hello World"); while (1) { lcdPosition (display, 0.1); lcdPrintf (display "% d", count ++); delay (300); printf ( "lcd1602n"); } }
We compile the program:
gcc lcd1602.c /home/pi/wiringPi/devLib/lcd.o -lwiringPi -o lcd1602
We run the program and we should see a text on the screen:
Python code
Pentru cine doreste sa il foloseasca prin Pyhton
Comanda at fi:
gcc lcd1602.c -lwiringPi -lwiringPiDev -o lcd1602
Si nu mai e nevoie sa ai sursele de wiringPi doar sa fie instalat pachetul.
Inainte de sudo i2cdetect -y -a 1 adaugati va rog sudo apt-get install -y i2c-tools !
Mi-am spart putin capul pana am inteles :). E un produs foarte interesant !
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