H3V4F 433 MHz Miniature Receiver Module, 3.3 V View larger

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H3V4F 433 MHz Miniature Receiver Module, 3.3 V


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The H3V4F is a miniature transmitter and receiver module with a frequency of 433 MHz. It is very popular for remote control systems, such as wireless doorbell, remote control rolling gates, smart car, smart home, etc.

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  • Model: H3V4F
  • Frequency: 433 MHz
  • Supply Voltage: 2.7 to 5.3 V (3.3 V recommended)
  • Maximum sensitivity: -102 dBm
  • Idle current (quiescent current): 0.28 mA
  • Temperature: -20oC  to +70oC
  • Dimensions: 18 x 12 x 2.1 mm

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Functioneaza foarte bine cu telecomenzi ce au cod fix (am avut criptare 1527/1538 si nu numai), codul poate fi gasit aici: https://bit.ly/30xl1Hq.
Comparativ cu LR45A, acesta are o raza de actiune mult mai limitata, probabil si datorita voltajului mai mic la care lucreaza.

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H3V4F 433 MHz Miniature Receiver Module, 3.3 V

H3V4F 433 MHz Miniature Receiver Module, 3.3 V

The H3V4F is a miniature transmitter and receiver module with a frequency of 433 MHz. It is very popular for remote control systems, such as wireless doorbell, remote control rolling gates, smart car, smart home, etc.

See description for more details about the product.

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