Placă Minimală CJMCU FT232H - Convertor USB către GPIO, SPI și I2C View larger

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CJMCU FT232H USB to GPIO, SPI and I2C Adapter


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This card is a USB converter to GPIO, SPI or I2C. It is compatible with all USB versions and has a USB 2.0 speed (480 Mb/s), has a half-duplex interface with configurable bandwidth (1, 2, 4 or 8 bits).

See description for more details about the product.

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Description and specifications

This module can be configured in different serial or parallel operating modes. It is compatible with any USB firmware.

  • USB 2.0 Hi-Speed ​​(480Mb / s) and Full Speed ​​(12Mb.s)
  • MPSSE (Multi-Protocol Synchronous Serial Engine) conversion to simplified protocols (USB-JTAG, I2C, SPI (master)
  • UART transfer rate up to 12Mbaud
  • USB-FIFO 245 asynchronous mode with rates up to 8 Mb/s
  • USB-FIFO 245 sincron mode, parallel to rates up to 40 Mb/s
  • Supports FT1248 half-duplex interface with bidirectional, configurable bandwidth (1, 2, 4 or 8 bits width)
  • Interface mode FIFO CPU-style
  • Serial Quick Interface Option
  • In most cases, there is no need for USB drivers thanks to VCP - Virtual Com Port and D2XX Direct
  • Power supply with 3.3 V or 5 V


  • Single USB chip to UART (RS232, RS422 or RS485)
  • USB - FIFO
  • USB - FT1248
  • USB - JTAG
  • USB - SPI
  • USB - I2C
  • USB - Bit-Bang
  • USB - Quick Serial Interface
  • USB - CPU target (as memory)

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CJMCU FT232H USB to GPIO, SPI and I2C Adapter

CJMCU FT232H USB to GPIO, SPI and I2C Adapter

This card is a USB converter to GPIO, SPI or I2C. It is compatible with all USB versions and has a USB 2.0 speed (480 Mb/s), has a half-duplex interface with configurable bandwidth (1, 2, 4 or 8 bits).

See description for more details about the product.

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