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FT232RL USB to Serial Converter


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FT232RL converter from USB to serial UART used to connect the computer to the micro controller.

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The USB UART converter is a device that converts the USB data transmission protocol to UART and vice versa. It is very often used to connect your computer to development boards or directly to micro controllers.

The product uses the FT232RL integrated circuit, of very good quality and small size, found in the SMD package. The circuit also includes a 3.3 V regulator and a jumper allowing you to switch between 3.3 V and 5 V. There are also LEDs on the circuit indicating: power, reception, and transmission of data.

Baud rate is adjustable. Do not forget to install the necessary driver on your computer.

Dimension: 16 x 34 mm.

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teoria nu strica

@Jack USB se refera la protocolul de comunicatie seriala adica "Universal Serial Bus". Ca ii spui tu "USB" in loc de mufa/conector USB este cu totul altceva. Titlul face referire in primul rand la tipul protocoalelor de comunicatie de pe modulul adaptor (adaptat de chipul FT232) intre USB si UART.

  • 7 out of 10 people found this review useful.

Gresit Dani. Convertorul are Mini USB

Dani. Nu stii ce vorbesti. Sa inteleaga si alte persoane:
Acest convertor are mufa MiniUSB.
MiniUSB nu este mufa care intra in PC si nici cea uzuala pe care o au majoritatea smartphone-urilor, adica MicroUSB.
Iata o poza cu diferenta

  • 4 out of 7 people found this review useful.

e corect prezentat

Jack tu ai mini usb in pc? :)))))))) ca sa il conectezi la pc iti trebuie un cablu ;) (doooh)

  • 3 out of 6 people found this review useful.


Va rog sa schimbati numele din usb in mini-usb ca sa nu duceti lumea in eroare

  • 3 out of 12 people found this review useful.

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FT232RL USB to Serial Converter

FT232RL USB to Serial Converter

FT232RL converter from USB to serial UART used to connect the computer to the micro controller.

See Description for more details about the product.

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