Modul cu 4 Relee Solid State (250 V, 2 A) Mărește

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Modul cu 4 Relee Solid State (240 V, 2 A)


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Modul cu 4 relee solid state (240 V, 2 A) util pentru aplicațiile de curent alternativ de putere medie.

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38 bucati in stoc

cu toate taxele incluse

Valabil în limita stocului disponibil

Prețul include costurile colectării, tratării și eliminării DEEE și DBAT


Caracteristici tehnice:

  • Tensiune de funcționare: până la 240 V AC (50 - 60 Hz);
  • Curent: până la 2 A;
  • Tensiune de control: 5 V;
  • Curent consumat: 160 mA;
  • Siguranță cu rezistență de 2 A;
  • 4 canale independente.

Dimensiuni: 78 x 55 x 24 mm.

This product represents a module with 4 solid state relays useful for medium power AC applications. The relays resist up to a voltage of 240V, alternating current at a frequency of 50Hz - 60Hz. The maximum current that each channel supports is 2A.

The solid state relays have the advantage of much smaller dimensions than the normal ones, with coil control. Their name is related to the way they work, ie they have no moving parts.

In order to be able to switch, they contain triacs, semiconductors similar to transistors, requiring only one pulse for opening (it does not require maintaining the voltage of 1 logic for control throughout the period).


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Modul cu 4 Relee Solid State (240 V, 2 A)

Modul cu 4 Relee Solid State (240 V, 2 A)

Modul cu 4 relee solid state (240 V, 2 A) util pentru aplicațiile de curent alternativ de putere medie.

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