Reduceri! Kit cadru dronă quadcopter SwitchBlade 200 FPV cu brațe rabatabile Mărește

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Kit cadru dronă quadcopter SwitchBlade 200 FPV cu brațe rabatabile


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This 200mm frame has folding arms that make it reach a 62mm wide, ideal for transport, and features a system that isolates the vibrations of the FPV camera motors and camshafts.

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1 bucata in stoc

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cu toate taxele incluse

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Prețul include costurile colectării, tratării și eliminării DEEE și DBAT


$35.76 cu toate taxele incluse


Description and specifications:

The arms allow the installation of 16x19mm motors. The maximum size of the propeller is 5 inches and is perfect for the 1704-2206 engine class. The composite frame is durable and comes with a set of mounting accessories, the installation being very easy. 

  • Wheelbase: 200mm;
  • Weight 150g;
  • Height: 56mm with landing legs.

Required recommended components, not included:

  • 4 motors 1506-2208;
  • Battery  800 ~ 1300mah 7.4 ~ 11.1V (2 or 3-cell Lipoly);
  • 4 propellers up to 5 inches:
  • 4 ESCs 7-12A;
  • A multirotor flight controller;
  • 4 channel radio system (6 channels recommended for FPV and FC);
  • FPV equipment.


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Kit cadru dronă quadcopter SwitchBlade 200 FPV cu brațe rabatabile

Kit cadru dronă quadcopter SwitchBlade 200 FPV cu brațe rabatabile

This 200mm frame has folding arms that make it reach a 62mm wide, ideal for transport, and features a system that isolates the vibrations of the FPV camera motors and camshafts.

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