TO-92 Transistor Kit (15 Kinds, 600 pcs) View larger

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TO-92 Transistor Kit (15 Kinds, 600 pcs)


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TO-92 Transistor Kit (15 Kinds, 600 pcs)

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  • Polarity : NPN/PNP
  • Voltage: 30-160V
  • Current: 50-1000MA
  • Quantity: 600 pieces
  • Length: about 19mm

Items Type Voltage Current (mA) Quantity
2N2222 NPN 40 600 40
2N3904 NPN 40 200 40
2N3906 PNP 40 200 40
2N5401 PNP 150 600 40
2N5551 NPN 160 600 40
A1015 PNP 50 150 40
C1815 NPN 50 150 40
C945 NPN 50 150 40
S8050 NPN 40 500 40
S8550 PNP 40 500 40
S9012 PNP 40 500 40
S9013 PNP 40 500 40
S9014 NPN 50 100 40
S9015 PNP 50 1000 40
S9018 NPN 30 50 40

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Foarte util

Am avut acest kit la indemana pentru a implementa cu succes: driver banda LED, amplificatoare, punte H, stepper driver, putand sa dau un "umf" de putere proiectelor mele. Foarte multumit!



Multumesc pentru promptitudine si seriozitate! Vreau sa fac o singura remarca: In tabelul cu tranzistori s-a strecurat o greseala. Tranzistorul S9015 are Ic = 100 mA, nu 1000mA.

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TO-92 Transistor Kit (15 Kinds, 600 pcs)

TO-92 Transistor Kit (15 Kinds, 600 pcs)

TO-92 Transistor Kit (15 Kinds, 600 pcs)

See description for more details about the product.

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