Reduceri! Mega2560 Pro ATMEGA2560-16AU USB CH340G Development Board Mărește

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Placa de dezvoltare compatibila cu MEGA 2560 Pro (ATmega2560 + CH340)


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Placa de dezvoltare compatibila cu MEGA 2560 Pro (ATmega2560 + CH340)

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Prețul include costurile colectării, tratării și eliminării DEEE și DBAT


The Mega Pro Embed CH340G / ATmega2560 board is based on the ATmega2560 microcontroller. Built on the Atmel ATmega2560 microcontroller and USB-UART interface chip CH340G. This is a great solution to get your final project on the welding prototype board. The Mega Pro Embed functionalities are identical to the Mega 2560. Even though it is an Embed board, it is solid as stable as the Mega Board. It uses the original chip, and 16 MHz high-quality quartz resonators are present on the board. The board uses the chip CH340G as the converter UART-USB. It provides a stable data exchange result when you work at a frequency of 12Mhz (requires the driver to be installed on the computer). You can power the board or power the pins through the MicroUSB connector. The voltage regulator (LDO) can handle input voltages from 6V to 9V (peak 18V) DC. The voltage regulator allows to use up to 18V as an input value, however, we do not recommend exceeding the recommended values aforementioned, since this can lead to excessive heat and damage the device. Features: The board is compatible with Mega 2560. excellent solution for developing projects based on ATmega2560. The board can be powered directly through the Micro USB connector The maximum output current upon 5V is around 800mA, while on the 3.3V it is about 800mA. Package Includes: 1 x Mega2560 Pro ATMEGA2560-16AU USB CH340G Intelligent Electronic Development Board 1 x 21 Pin Headers 1 x 16 Pin Headers 1 x 3 Pin Headers


  1. The board is compatible with Mega 2560.
  2.  excellent solution for developing projects based on ATmega2560.
  3. The board can be powered directly through the Micro USB connector
  4. The maximum output current upon 5V is around 800mA, while on the 3.3V it is about 800mA.

Package Includes:

1 x Mega2560 Pro ATMEGA2560-16AU USB CH340G Intelligent Electronic Development Board

1 x 21 Pin Headers

1 x 16 Pin Headers

1 x 3 Pin Header


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Placa de dezvoltare compatibila cu MEGA 2560 Pro (ATmega2560 + CH340)

Placa de dezvoltare compatibila cu MEGA 2560 Pro (ATmega2560 + CH340)

Placa de dezvoltare compatibila cu MEGA 2560 Pro (ATmega2560 + CH340)

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