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PL2303TA USB to UART Converter Cable (Blue)


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The PL2303TA cable is a convenient way to connect UART serial devices to an USB-equipped computer.

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The USB to RS-232 serial adapter provides an easy way of adding serial connections to your PC in a very convenient way. It is ideal for connecting modems, cellular phones, digital cameras, and other devices to your computer.


  • USB type A male plug
  • TTL 4-pin connector

Wire color coding:

  • Red: VCC
  • Black: GND
  • Green: TXD
  • White: RXD

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Util si simplu

Face exact ceea ce trebuie, Windows 8.1 il detecteaza si instaleaza automat. ATENTIE!! la voltaj, standard vine pe 5V dar din fericire are loc si de 3.3V, trebuie doar demontat capacul albastru si apoi mutat firul de pe pinul de 5V la 3.3V. Pe pcb-ul convertorului pinii sunt marcati foarte clar, deci nu aveti cum sa gresiti. Am dat 4 stele pentru ca nicaieri nu scria pe ce voltaj este si daca se poate schimba, l-am luat la ghici

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PL2303TA USB to UART Converter Cable (Blue)

PL2303TA USB to UART Converter Cable (Blue)

The PL2303TA cable is a convenient way to connect UART serial devices to an USB-equipped computer.

See description for more details about the product.

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