Cablu Audio cu Jack 3.5mm - 1.5m Mărește

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Cablu Audio cu Jack 3.5mm - 1.5m


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This High quality cable features a male 3.5mm stereo (TRS) plug on each end. Gold plated both connectors and Chrome-finished plugs and nickel-plated contacts. It also features a soft texture cable. It can connect any car stereo/ cell phone MP3 player / PDA with standard 3.5mm jack.

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Cablu Audio cu Jack 3.5mm - 1.5m


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Cablu Audio cu Jack 3.5mm - 1.5m

Cablu Audio cu Jack 3.5mm - 1.5m

This High quality cable features a male 3.5mm stereo (TRS) plug on each end. Gold plated both connectors and Chrome-finished plugs and nickel-plated contacts. It also features a soft texture cable. It can connect any car stereo/ cell phone MP3 player / PDA with standard 3.5mm jack.

See Description for more details about the product.

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