Red Button with Round Cover View larger

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Red Button with Round Cover


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These red round caps are designed for push buttons and can be used in devices like cameras, video recorders, audio devices, communication devices and more

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These red round caps are designed for eye catching push buttons and can be used in devices like cameras, video recorders, audio devices, communication devices and more. These caps are suitable for the 12 mm tactile switches.


  • Cap Shape: Round
  • Cap Color: Red
  • Button Size: 12 x 12 mm

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atentie acest buton este un switch si deci nu e cu revenire

eu m-am pacalit comandandu-l fiindca am ignorat descrierea de mai jos... aveam nevoie doar de un buton PUSH clasic care se intelege ca este cu autorevenire si aici nu se specifica in clar in titlu cum ar fi fost Ok...

Am gasit ulterior la o lectura mai atenta a descrierii de mai jos acel cuvintel engleza care face toata diferenta respectiv cum ca acesta este de fapt un SWITCH !

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Red Button with Round Cover

Red Button with Round Cover

These red round caps are designed for push buttons and can be used in devices like cameras, video recorders, audio devices, communication devices and more

See description for more details about the product.

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