ISD1820 Voice Recording Module View larger

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ISD1820 Voice Recording Module


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Product Features

  • Supply voltage: 3 V - 5 V
  • Current consumption: 30 mA
  • Integrated microphone on board
  • An integrated amplifier that can directly control an 8 ohm impedance loudspeaker and 0.5 W power
  • Record and play buttons
  • It can record up to 16 seconds

See description for more details about the product.

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Thanks to the integrated components, the use of the module is easy. 

It can be used in two ways:

1. Independent

The power supply is between 3 V and 5 V. The power pins are marked with "VCC" and "GND".

Sound recording is done by holding down the red button (marked with "REC"). The maximum recording time is about 16 seconds.

The sound is played through the "PLAY" and "PLAYL" buttons. The first button plays the entire recording, while the second plays the sound only when it is pressed.

The module also has a live playback function. Activating it is by moving the jumper over the two red pins in the attached picture below.

Another mode of operation is endless sound reproduction. Activating it by moving the second jumper onto the two green pins in the attached picture below.

2. Together with a development board

Module feeding is possible directly from the development board via the "5V" and "GND" pins.

The module is controlled via the "FT", "PL", "PE" and "REC" pins.

Sound recording is done by maintaining a HIGH logic level. The maximum recording time is about 16 seconds.

Applying a HIGH logic level to the "PE" pin continuously flashes the recorded sound, and the "PL" pin only outputs the sound when the HIGH logic level is applied.

The "FT" pin is used to play live recorded sound live.

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Foarte bun

Vine asamblat (lucrat profi), mai putin difuzorul care trebuie lipit la cablu. Masinaria este exact ce trebuie pentru un papagal de concurs (prietenii cu YO stiu de ce, HI!). L-am testat cu R4 de 120K si 200K (12 si 20 sec.) Recomand pentru Call Parrot setarea default de 100k (=10sec.) altfel modulatia va fi de tabla. Deocamdata il alimentez dintr-un LiPo de 3.6V, inca nu am indraznit sa-l alimentez la 5V (producatorul zice 3v3 - o fi media?). ATENTIE la preluarea semnalului pentru microfon: SP+ serie cu condensator de 1uF/ 25V daca se poate cu Tantal apoi potmetrul de 1k (sau divizor).

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ISD1820 Voice Recording Module

ISD1820 Voice Recording Module

Product Features

  • Supply voltage: 3 V - 5 V
  • Current consumption: 30 mA
  • Integrated microphone on board
  • An integrated amplifier that can directly control an 8 ohm impedance loudspeaker and 0.5 W power
  • Record and play buttons
  • It can record up to 16 seconds

See description for more details about the product.

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