DT1130 Electromagnetic Signal Detector View larger

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DT1130 Electromagnetic Signal Detector


New product

This device is useful for monitoring the level of electromagnetic radiation in different spaces, to test various devices (phones, computers, microwave ovens and others).

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Description and specifications

Measure the level of electromagnetic radiation with this compact, simple and easy to use device.

  • Power supply: 9 V 6F22 battery
  • Detection band: 50 Hz-2000 MHz
  • Detection time: 0.4s
  • LCD display
  • HOLD function
  • Dimensions: 132 x 69 x 29 mm

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super folositor

Acest aparat este super folositor. Inainte aveam probleme cu fenomene se tip poltergeist. Acum de cand folosesc acest aparat am putut sa detectez fantoma bunicului si sa il conving sa plece.

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DT1130 Electromagnetic Signal Detector

DT1130 Electromagnetic Signal Detector

This device is useful for monitoring the level of electromagnetic radiation in different spaces, to test various devices (phones, computers, microwave ovens and others).

See description for more details about the product.

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