KA2284 Battery Level Indicator View larger

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KA2284 Battery Level Indicator


New product

KA2284 battery level indicator useful for your projects that have battery or battery power.

See description for more details about the product.

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Technical specifications

  • Supply voltage: 3.5V - 12V.
  • Jumper that controls measurement on AC or DC voltage.
  • Potentiometer for adjusting the reference voltage.
  • Integrated circuit KA2284.

Dimensions: 21 x 29 mm.

This product is a KA2284 integrated circuit module useful to show in an interactive way the battery voltage level of your project or any other voltage level. The integrated circuit has a current source to control the LEDs easily and not require many other components.

The circuit board has very small dimensions and can be easily integrated into your innovative projects.

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Sensibilitatea si nivelul se regleaza, nu se incinge si este foarte util chiar si la automatizari.

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KA2284 Battery Level Indicator

KA2284 Battery Level Indicator

KA2284 battery level indicator useful for your projects that have battery or battery power.

See description for more details about the product.

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