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Multi M328 Graphics Interface Tester is ideal to find out what features have certain electronic components, such as transistors, diodes, resistors, etc.
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1.Connect the module to a 9V battery;
2.Connect the component to be analyzed.
The ZIF's bottom-left foot has 3 distinct points (numbered on the back with "1", "2" or "3"). Lift the lever to insert a component into the socket, and then let it down to fix the component. To analyze a piece, you must enter the component in differently numbered points.
The module does not take into account the polarity, so it does not matter how you connect the components because the multi-tester automatically detects this.
3.Power the multi-tester.
Once you have assured that you have mounted the correct piece, press the bottom right button to start the multi-tester. Now it automatically detects the inserted component and displays the specific information. In case you installed the wrong track or is broken, the following error will appear on the screen: "No, unknown or damaged part".
Some examples of components tested with this product:
4. Auto-calibration.
The module has auto-calibration function. To activate, you must connect all the distinguished pin (1, 2, 3) with very low resistance. Now you need to follow the instructions on the LCD, such as inserting a capacitor between pins 1 and 3. At the end of the test, your device is calibrated.
Multi Tester LCR Componente M328
Am unul procurat. Este un instrument foarte util. Recomand ca, in prealabil, sa-i faceti autocalibrarea: pregatiti 2 condensatori de toleranta mica (eu am folosit 100n si 180n) ; scurtcircuitarea pinilor 1,2 si 3 ; apasarea prelunga a butonului pana afiseaza CALIBRATION si urmati pasii afisati. Il recomand.
Este succesorul celui cu afisaj pe 2 linii, iar pentru cei ce doresc mai mult, generator de frecventa, pwm cu rezolutia de 10 biti, recomadarea mea este sa-l reprogramati cu firmware-ul asta: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1ehppUX09ki3ra_xOeUvBaIrjRSkHvDRM
super aparat
ma delar mutlumit de el mai ales dupa ce am reusit sa-i fac si o carcasa adecvata ;)
Multi Tester LCR Componente M328 cu Interfaţă Grafică
Am cumparat acest instrument si sânt multumit de el fiind si la un pret bun
Multi tester LCR
am cumparat am testat ân raport cu alt multitester profesional mici diferente dar este OK Sânt multumit
Dar unde gasesc o carcasa adecvata
Multi tester LCR
Am cuparat Am testat Sânt multumit functioneaza corect
Minunat instrument de masura,merita toti banii..,recomand !
Multi tester
In principiu este o scula utila dar ..nu are niciun fel de prezentare ptr folosire nu are niciun fel de date tehnice..consum de curent sau tensiuni limita de alimentare. La punerea in functiune, adica alimentare consuma din bateria de 9v aproape ca a luat foc bateria....
LCR with M328
A venit ambalat foarte bine impotriva deteriorarii mecanice . L-am testat si functioneaza foarte bine pentru identificare componentelor . Multumesc Optimus pentru produsul vostru . Recomand calitatea .
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