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DS1307 Real-Time Clock Module


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Real-Time clock module based on the DS1307 integrated circuit.

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This module integrates DS1307 RTC and the AT24C32 EEPROM storage module. DS1307 and AT24C32 are connected via the I2C bus.


  • AT24C32 32K I2C EEPROM memory
  • Battery backup
  • I2C devices can be cascaded


  • IC: DS1307 I2C RTC
  • Size: 27 x 28 x 8.4 mm

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Bun, daca il modifici pentru CR2032

Asa cum vine in pachet nu tine setarile, chiar daca ii schimbi bateria.

Cateva cautari pe google, si gasesti ca acest modul are circuit de incarcare a bateriei, adica in loc de CR2032, foloseste LIR2032.

Modificarea e simpla. Se dezlipeste de pe placuta D1, R4 si R6. Pinii de la R6 se vor scurtcircuita.

Dupa aceasta modificare accepta baterii normale CR2032, si va functiona ca atare.

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DS1307 Real-Time Clock Module

DS1307 Real-Time Clock Module

Real-Time clock module based on the DS1307 integrated circuit.

See description for more details about the product.

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