Red DIP Switch (1p) View larger

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Red DIP Switch (1p)


New product

This DIP Switch (1p) has 1 pin, generally used to control current in electronic devices. It is suitable for low current projects only.

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This 1P DIP switch is a toggle-switch designed for printed circuit boards and breadboards. It is perfect as an on-off switch for your project or for customizing the behavior of an electronic device for a certain configuration of the switch.

This switch (1p) has 1 pin, generally used to control current in electronic devices. It is suitable for low current projects only.


Number of Switches: 1

Pitch: 2.54 mm

Color: Red

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E nevoie de putina forta pentru a-l folosi insa e bun

Produsul pe care l-am primit arata asemanator cu ce e in poza. Ce am primit nu are acele sectiuni laterale ci toti peretii sunt netezi, ma gandeam ca puteam folosi acel notch sa introduc intr-un 3D design sa poata fi fixat mai bine.
Glisarea necesita putin efort insa cred ca cu folosirea repetata o sa fie mai usor de folosit.
E bun insa, isi face treaba.
Dimensiunile sunt 9.8 x 4.2 x 5.5

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Red DIP Switch (1p)

Red DIP Switch (1p)

This DIP Switch (1p) has 1 pin, generally used to control current in electronic devices. It is suitable for low current projects only.

See Description for more details about the product.

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