TEC1-12706 Peltier Module View larger

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TEC1-12706 Peltier Module


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This is a 50 W Peltier element which can be used as a precise thermoelectric heat pump.

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This is a 50 W Peltier element which can be used as a precise thermoelectric heat pump. When it has a voltage applied to it, one side will get hotter and the other side will get cooler. It is capable of producing a temperature difference of about 60 °C.

For best results we recommend to use it with a good cooler and to apply thermal grease on the hot side between it and the cooler.

Warning: This item can be damaged if the hot side is not cooled properly!


  • Voltage rating: 12 V
  • Current rating: 4.5 A
  • Power rating: 50 W
  • Maximum operating temperature: 68 °C
  • Maximum temperature difference: 67 °C
  • Size: 40 x 40 x 3.8 mm

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Este un modul bun din punctul meu de vedere. N-am facut inca teste de stres.
@Catalin Mircea, la banii aia eu as cere si certificare dupa standardele internationale si materiale de inalta calitate in produs, firmei germanelectronics, asa ca sa justifice pretul ala nesimtit.

  • 6 out of 6 people found this review useful.


e foarte util pentru un raspberry care tre sa-l tii tot timpul anului afara. in functie de polaritate, aceeasi parte poate raci integratul (vara) sau poate incalzi integratul (iarna). unele device-uri au minim/maxim de temperatura la care pot functiona

  • 2 out of 2 people found this review useful.

Modul termoelectric de răcire Peltier cu o eficiență foarte bună

Modul termoelectric de răcire Peltier cu o eficiență foarte bună.
Este de nota 10 pentru că are garanție 2 ani
Merită cumpărat . vă mulțumesc frumos

  • 6 out of 7 people found this review useful.


Primul a venit defect , a fost inlocuit gratuit de cei de la optimus .

  • 6 out of 6 people found this review useful.

Produs Bun

https://www.germanelectronics.ro 137 lei


  • 10 out of 11 people found this review useful.

Produs bun

Am cumparat o bucata, merge bine. Daca este racit corespunzator temperatura pe partea rece scade sub 0 grade, ingheata apa pe el.

  • 10 out of 10 people found this review useful.

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TEC1-12706 Peltier Module

TEC1-12706 Peltier Module

This is a 50 W Peltier element which can be used as a precise thermoelectric heat pump.

See description for more details about the product.

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