RS232 to TTL SP3232 UART Transceiver Communication Serial Module Mărește

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Modul Convertor de la RS232 la TTL SP3232 UART


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  1. IC Chip: SP3232E
  2. Operating Voltage: 3.0V – 5.5V
  3. Pre-assembled compact size board
  4. Suitable for use with most microcontrollers
  5. ESD enhanced
  6. Hardware flow control supported

See description for more details about the product.

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Prețul include costurile colectării, tratării și eliminării DEEE și DBAT



The RS232 Board is used for establishing RS232 communication with devices powered from 3V – 5.5V. It contains SP3232 (RS-232 Transceiver) and DB9 connector used for connecting PC and MCU. The RS232 Board features ESD protection and supports hardware flow control.

The SP3222E/3232E series is an RS-232 transceiver solution intended for portable or handheld applications such as notebook or palmtop computers. The SP3222E/3232E series has a high-efficiency, charge-pump power supply that requires only 0.1µF capacitors in 3.3V operation. This charge pump allows the SP3222E/3232E series to deliver true RS-232 performance from a single power supply ranging from +3.3V to +5.0V.


  1. SP3232(RS232)
  2. DB9 connector
  3. UART port


  • Length (mm): 45
  • Width (mm): 25
  • Height (mm): 2

Product Includes:

1 x RS232 to TTL SP3232 UART Transceiver Communication Serial Module

1 x 6-pin custom connector jumper wire

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Modul Convertor de la RS232 la TTL SP3232 UART

Modul Convertor de la RS232 la TTL SP3232 UART

  1. IC Chip: SP3232E
  2. Operating Voltage: 3.0V – 5.5V
  3. Pre-assembled compact size board
  4. Suitable for use with most microcontrollers
  5. ESD enhanced
  6. Hardware flow control supported

See description for more details about the product.

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