3 Heatsinks Set for Raspberry Pi 3 View larger

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3 Heatsinks Set for Raspberry Pi 3


New product

Radiator for Raspberry Pi 3 helps keep temperatures. The set contains 3 pieces.

See description for more details about the product.

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Technical specifications

  • Dimensions:
    • 14x14x6 mm * 1
    • 8x4 mm * 2

Keep Raspberry Pi at normal temperatures and avoid overheating. The radiator is made of high quality aluminum and comes with an adhesive layer for easy installation.


  • reduces the risk of hardware failure
  • small size, fits in most boxes
  • a cool way of cooling without loud fans

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Usor de aplicat, neaparat va recomand si ventilator daca rulati aplicatii intense. Tin cu ventilator un pi3a la 46 full load, fara depasea 60+c in iddle. Ventilatoarele de pe site sunt cam galagioase, nu te poti odihni daca ruleaza in aceeasi camera.

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3 Heatsinks Set for Raspberry Pi 3

3 Heatsinks Set for Raspberry Pi 3

Radiator for Raspberry Pi 3 helps keep temperatures. The set contains 3 pieces.

See description for more details about the product.

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