4.0 Bluetooth Module (3.3 V and 5 V Compatible) View larger

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4.0 Bluetooth Module (3.3 V and 5 V Compatible)


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This bluetooth module is suitable for your applications requiring remote data transmission.

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The 4.0 Bluetooth module is suitable for your applications requiring remote data transmission. In some projects, there are cases where you need to centralize data, or control your remote equipment that is not easily reachable. This module is a convenient way of adding wireless capabilities like bluetooth, to your Arduino projects so you can simply control your household appliances or light in your home through wireless connection.


  • Input Voltage: 3.6 V to 6 V
  • Current Consumption: 18.6 mA max (actively TX, -6dBm)
  • Minimum consumption: 0.4 uA (external interrupts)
  • Consumer power down mode with wake up 3 us: 235 U
  • Logic level RX / TX: 3.3 V
  • Transmission distance: 60 m
  • Reception: up to 3 KBps

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Modul Bluetooth

Pentru cei ce se intreaba, acesta este modulul HM-10.

  • 21 out of 24 people found this review useful.

Modulul nu este HM-10

Din pacate acest modul nu este HM-10. Un fel de clona numita CC41-A cu firmware de BT05. Mai multe info aici http://blog.yavilevich.com/2017/03/mlt-bt05-ble-module-a-clone-of-a-clone/

Ca sa functioneze corespunzator trebuie facut update de firmware http://forum.arduino.cc/index.php?topic=393655

  • 22 out of 23 people found this review useful.

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4.0 Bluetooth Module (3.3 V and 5 V Compatible)

4.0 Bluetooth Module (3.3 V and 5 V Compatible)

This bluetooth module is suitable for your applications requiring remote data transmission.

See description for more details about the product.

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