Bluetooth Stereo Audio Module View larger

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Bluetooth Stereo Audio Module


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This Bluetooth stereo audio module is used to connect two mobile devices, it allows us to transfer a stereo audio from one device to another or from your mobile phones to your Bluetooth headsets.

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This Bluetooth stereo audio module is specifically designed for Bluetooth speaker products.

It is used to establish a connection to two mobile devices like Bluetooth-enabled mobile phones, PC Bluetooth adapter etc.

It allows transfer of a stereo audio from one device to another or from your mobile phones to your Bluetooth headsets.

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OK, dar ar fi mai bine cu pini

Este foarte micut. Greu de lipit, conectorii de pini, dar se poate face cu experientã.
Pentru hobby ar fi mai bine sã aibã pini conectori.

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Bluetooth Stereo Audio Module

Bluetooth Stereo Audio Module

This Bluetooth stereo audio module is used to connect two mobile devices, it allows us to transfer a stereo audio from one device to another or from your mobile phones to your Bluetooth headsets.

See description for more details about the product.

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