ESP8266 ESP-12F Witty Cloud Development Board View larger

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ESP8266 ESP-12F Wit Cloud Development Board


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The ESP8266 Wit Cloud ESP-12F is a powerful WiFi enabled development board in a compact design that has a built in RGB LED, LDR light sensor and push button for easy stand-alone operation.

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The board is made up of two components. On the first plate/board is reset button/flash adapter CH340G UART and pin female. In the second half are the USB jack for power, button pins for input. When connecting the device, its RGB LED color will change slowly at first. Once connected to the internet via WIFI it behaves as an NTP client without problems.

Key Features

  • ESP8266 32 bit Microcontroller
  • Clock Speed: 80/160 MHz
  • USB Converter: CH340
  • Operating Voltage: 3.3V
  • Digital I/O Pins: 11
  • Analog Inputs: 1
  • Flash Memory: 4 MB
  • WiFi: Built-in 802.11 b/g/n, 2.4 GHz
  • Communications: Serial, I2C, SPI, 1-Wire
  • Compatible with Arduino IDE and NodeMCU

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Exemplu utilizare


Super ok

Cu acest produs am automatizat o casa, lumini si aer conditionat controlate pe internet, memoria este suficienta cat sa creezi si o interfata web comlexa ~4mb

  • 7 out of 7 people found this review useful.


Am cumparat acest kit de dezvoltare. Este Ok pentru scopul propus, dar vine cu o problema, LED-ul RGB este conectat invers, deci nu se poate folosi (cel putin la mine asa a venit). Era frumos daca se livra si cu ceva documentatie, vine bulk iar pe internet la producator gasiti ceva dar este doar in chineza. Pentru cei interesati am gasit link-ul acesta cu mai multe informatii despre placuta.

  • 8 out of 8 people found this review useful.

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ESP8266 ESP-12F Wit Cloud Development Board

ESP8266 ESP-12F Wit Cloud Development Board

The ESP8266 Wit Cloud ESP-12F is a powerful WiFi enabled development board in a compact design that has a built in RGB LED, LDR light sensor and push button for easy stand-alone operation.

See description for more details about the product.

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