New Compute Module CM5, 8GB RAM/32GB eMMC, Wireless View larger

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Compute Module CM5, 8GB RAM/32GB eMMC, Wireless


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Compute Module CM5, 8GB RAM/32GB eMMC, Wireless

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12 Items

517,83 lei
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Compute Module CM5, 8GB RAM/32GB eMMC, Wireless



Scump dar deschide nenumarate posibilitati

Un exemplu de aplicatie: acest modul pe un carrier board mini-router
cu Proxmox instalat si un SSD conectat pe port secundar USB-C

Rezultatul este un mini server de virtualizare care ruleaza Mikrotik RouterOS, Pihole, Nextcloud, potential si container Frigate pentru a se comporta si ca mini-NVR.
E adorabil si puternic, cutia in care vine e practic cat un pachet de chibrite.

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Compute Module CM5, 8GB RAM/32GB eMMC, Wireless

Compute Module CM5, 8GB RAM/32GB eMMC, Wireless

Compute Module CM5, 8GB RAM/32GB eMMC, Wireless

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