Dispozitiv de Monitorizare a Curentului prin USB View larger

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USB Power Monitor


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This is a USB monitoring device that can measure current up to 2.5 A and voltage between 3 V and 7.5 V.

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This can be used to measure current and voltage when your phone is charging via power bank. It is also ideal for monitoring power consuming devices when connected to your computer.

This device can measure current up to 3 A and voltage between 3 V and 7.5 V. Resolution for display is 10 mA and 10 mV respectively. The error for voltage is ± 1% and ± 2% for current. It can be used for cellphone, chargers, and other USB-powered devices.


  • Working Current: 0 to 2.5 A
  • Working Voltage: 3 V to 7.5 A
  • Voltage Resolution: 10 mV
  • Current Resolution: 10 mA
  • Voltage Error: < ±1%
  • Voltage Current: < ±2%
  • Operating Temperature: 0˚ C to 60˚ C
  • Dimensions: 52 x 20 x 14 mm

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Convenabil si ca pret si calitate .

  • 6 out of 6 people found this review useful.


Pe Fast si Ultrafast sunt tensiuni mai mari de 7V la unele chargere (incarcatoare) .

  • 5 out of 5 people found this review useful.


Un produs excelent , un pret excelent

  • 1 out of 1 people found this review useful.


Util pentru evaluarea rapida a unui incarcator , de luat in considerare ca are o rezistenta interna cam de 0.12 ohmi , la 2 A diferenta de tensiune intre intrare si iesire poate fi de 240 mV unele telefoane trec pe incarcare lenta cand tensiunea scade sub un prag dar la pretul asta nu se poate ceva mai bun. Desigur ca nu are nevoie de nici un software, se intercaleaza intre incarcator si cablu si gata.

  • 6 out of 6 people found this review useful.

buna ziua

bine ar fi daca la produsele pe care le comercializati, scrieti mai multe detalii, de exemplu : as dori sa stiu daca acest dispozitiv are nevoie de soft ,daca da unde se gaseste

  • 2 out of 5 people found this review useful.

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USB Power Monitor

USB Power Monitor

This is a USB monitoring device that can measure current up to 2.5 A and voltage between 3 V and 7.5 V.

See Description for more details about the product.

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