DHT11 Temperature Sensor Module View larger

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DHT11 Temperature and Humidity Module


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This module is based on DHT11, a high-performance temperature and humidity sensor, ensuring high reliability and excellent stability.

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This module is based on DHT11, a high-performance temperature and humidity sensor, ensuring high reliability and excellent stability.

The temperature is measured using a negative temperature coefficient thermistor (NTC), and the relative humidity is measured using a capacitive sensor. Those sensing elements are pre-calibrated and the output is provided as a digital signal.

The DHT11 sensor is compatible with most of the popular microcontroller development boards, like Arduino.


  • Humidity sensing range: 20 - 90% RH
  • Humidity measurement accuracy: ±5% RH
  • Temperature measurement range: 0 - 60oC
  • Temperature measurement accuracy: ±2oC
  • Supply voltage: 3.3 to 5 V

Note: This module does not work at temperatures below 0oC.

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Functioneaza bine

Modelul nimerit de mine functioneaza mult mai bine decat alti senzori DHT11 pe care i-am intalnit. Confirm, la 3.3v este surprinzator de precis pentru DHT11.


DHT 11

Funcționează eficient la 3,5v - am comparat,verificat si cu alte termostate - Recomand !

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Din cate am observat eu, functioneaza in parametrii optimi la 3.3 volti. daca il alimentez de la 5v , temperaturile oscileaza vreo 4-5 grade si umiditatea 10%.
Setat la 3.3v merge bine.

  • 8 out of 8 people found this review useful.

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DHT11 Temperature and Humidity Module

DHT11 Temperature and Humidity Module

This module is based on DHT11, a high-performance temperature and humidity sensor, ensuring high reliability and excellent stability.

See description for more details about the product.

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