DHT22/AM2302B Temperature and Humidity Sensor View larger

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DHT22/AM2302B Temperature and Humidity Sensor


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The DHT22 temperature and humidity sensor is a precise sensor that does not require additional components for operation.

See description for more details about the product.

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Technical specifications

  • Power supply: 3.3 V DC - 5.5 V DC
  • Humidity range: 0-99.9% RH
  • Temperature range: -40oC to + 80oC
  • Accuracy:  ± 2% RH,  ± 0.5oC
  • Exit: Digital
  • Communication protocol: 1 Wire

The DHT22 / AM2302B sensor is a sensor capable of measuring the temperature and humidity of the environment with very good accuracy. Its use is easy because you no longer need additional components because they are all integrated. The module also works well with Arduino-compatible development boards.

Examples of projects in which the sensor can be used are: weather stations, temperature-maintaining device in a room, etc.

Instructions for use

1. Make the necessary hardware connections.

The sensor has a pull-up resistor so you no longer need additional components. 

The connection scheme is the following:

  • The red wire connects to the 5V or 3.3V pin of the development board.
  • The yellow wire connects to a digital pin.
  • The black thread connects to a GND pin of the development board.

2. Install a library for DHT22.

To facilitate the use of the DHT22 sensor, you can install a library specially created for this product. An example is the "SimpleDHT" library. To add it to select the Sketch -> Include Library -> Manage libraries tab.

3. Load the code on the development board.

To test the connections you've made, you can upload a sample code. Select the tab File -> Examples -> SimpleDHT -> DHT22 Default.

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Scrie pe el ca e comunicare 1-Wire dar asta nu este egal cu protocolul 1-Wire. Practic datele vin de pe un pin digital pe care se leaga pe un GPIO oarecare si se seteaza numarul asta in cod.

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Atentie!, Rata de sampling / refresh pentru acest senzor este de 2 secunde.

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DHT22/AM2302B Temperature and Humidity Sensor

DHT22/AM2302B Temperature and Humidity Sensor

The DHT22 temperature and humidity sensor is a precise sensor that does not require additional components for operation.

See description for more details about the product.

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