DHT21/AM2301 Temperature Sensor View larger

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DHT21/AM2301 Temperature Sensor


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DHT21 is a high-performance temperature and humidity sensor, providing accurate measurement, low power consumption, long distance data transmission, automatic calibration and long life.

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DHT21 is a high-performance temperature and humidity sensor, providing accurate measurement, low power consumption, long distance data transmission, automatic calibration and long life.

It is perfect for projects that require measurement of temperature and humidity such as greenhouse and portable weather station that provides precise information about the environment. The sensor has small size making it be easily integrated into the project.


  • Humidity sensing range: 0 to 99.9% RH
  • Humidity measurement accuracy: ±3% RH
  • Temperature measurement range: -40 to 80oC
  • Temperature measurement accuracy: ±0.5oC
  • Supply voltage: 3.3 to 5.2 V

Connection Diagram

  • Sensor: Arduino
  • Red: 5 V
  • Black: GND
  • Yellow: Digital I/O pin

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DHT21/AM2301 Temperature Sensor

DHT21/AM2301 Temperature Sensor

DHT21 is a high-performance temperature and humidity sensor, providing accurate measurement, low power consumption, long distance data transmission, automatic calibration and long life.

See description for more details about the product.

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