MLX90614ESF Infrared Temperature Sensor View larger

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MLX90614ESF Infrared Temperature Sensor


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Temperature sensor module that can measure infrared temperature without touching the object.

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Technical specifications

  • Supply voltage: 3 V - 5 V (integrated LDO controller)
  • Current consumption: up to 2.5 mA
  • Measured temperature: between -70 oC and +380 oC
  • High precision calibration.
  • Measuring resolution: 0.02oC
  • It communicates on the I2C interface at a maximum frequency of 100 kHz.

The sensor is ideal for temperature measurement of objects without getting in touch with them. You also have a medical precision sensor with a resolution of only 0.02 oC.

The sensor communicates through protocol I2C, so you can communicate with up to 127 sensors by different addressing.

For calculating the operating distance and for more details about the I2C address , see the attached datasheet.

Instructions for use

1. Make the hardware connections.

The sensor communicates through the I2C communication interface , having a fixed address (0x5A) to which it can be accessed. PCB boards are fitted with pull-up resistors, so you do not need additional components.

The connection scheme is the following:

2. Install the library and load the code on the development board.

The library with which you can use this sensor is developed by AdaFruit. This is attached at the bottom of the page. To install it, you need to open Arduino IDE and select SKETCH > INCLUDE LIBRARY > ADD.ZIP LIBRARY. Now a window will open where you need to select the downloaded library.

The library also includes an example. To access it, you must select FILE > EXAMPLES > ADD MXL90614 LIBRARY > mlxtest. Load the code on the development board and open the Serial Monitor and set BAUD RATE to 9600.

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MLX90614ESF Infrared Temperature Sensor

MLX90614ESF Infrared Temperature Sensor

Temperature sensor module that can measure infrared temperature without touching the object.

See description for more details about the product.

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